Learn to Program the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 with EV3 Classroom
Introduction to Programming provides a structured sequence of programming activities in real-world project-based contexts. The projects are designed to get students thinking about the patterns and structure of not just robotics, but also programming and problem-solving more generally. This curriculum includes videos, animations, and step-by-step lessons designed to help beginners learn behavior-based programming using the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 hardware and EV3 Classroom scratch-based programming software.
Additional Resources
EV3 Getting Started teaches the student about the robot's hardware, firmware, and how to write, compile, and run programs on the robot.
In the Robot Movement, the student learns to write programs that move the robot forward, backward, make turns, and control the robot’s gripper arm. Complete the requirements and earn the “EV3 Movement” Badge.
A CS2N Game that teaches distances and proportions.
Sensors introduce the student to the Touch, Ultrasonic, Gyro, and Color Sensors. The student will gain an understanding of the appropriate sensors to use to accomplish different tasks. Complete the requirement and earn the “EV3 Sensors” Badge.
Sense, Perceive, Plan, Act
Introduction with Touch Sensor
Wait for Touch
Making Sense of Systems
Forward until Touch
Mini-Challenge: Vacuum
Challenge: Arm Position Challenge
Introduction with Ultrasonic Sensor
Wait for Near
Mini-Challenge: Threshold Value Challenge
Forward until Near
Mini-Challenge: Backward Until Far Challenge
Challenge: Maze Challenge
Introduction with Gyro Sensor
Turn for Angle (part 1)
Turn for Angle (part 2)
Mini-Challenge: Square Box Challenge
Challenge: Mower Challenge
Introduction with Color Sensor
Wait for Green
Mini-Challenge: Railroad Crossing
Forward until Red
Mini-Challenge: Forward to Stop Line
Challenge: Traffic Light
Sensors Quiz
In Decisions, the student will learn how to program the robot to make decisions and repeat sequences of commands. Complete the requirements and earn the “EV3 Decisions” Badge.
Introduction to Loops
Looped Movements
Mini-Challenge: Square Lap 1
Loop with Count Control
Mini-Challenge: Square Lap 2
Loop with Sensor Control
Mini-Challenge: Square Lap 3
Challenge: Container Handling
Introduction to If Else Decisions
Move if Clear
Mini-Lesson: Operators
Mini-Challenge: Color Sensor Compare
Looped Decisions
Mini-Challenge: Smarter Decisions
Challenge: Strawberry Plant Sorter
Introduction to Repeated Decisions
Obstacle Detection Failures
Obstacle Detection
Mini-Challenge: Obstacle Detection Until Black
Challenge: Obstacle Orchard
Introduction to Line Tracking
Line Tracking
Mini-Challenge: Track Line for Rotation
Challenge: Line Tracking
Decisions Quiz
The Final Challenge introduces the student to concepts such as flowcharts, iterative design, project planning, and the engineering process. At the end of the module, the student needs to solve the “Search and Rescue” challenge, where the robot will have to visit four different rooms and solve specific problems. Complete the requirements and earn the “EV3 Final Challenge” Badge.