Learn to program the VEX EDR Cortex in ROBOTC Text
NOTICE: On 8/18/2021, Amazon AWS permanently discontinued support for network protocols used by Robot Virtual Worlds and Expedition Atlantis. These products are no longer able to communicate with CS2N. Please see this article for details.
The VEX Cortex Video Trainer provides a structured sequence of programming activities. The activities are designed to get students thinking about the patterns and structure of not just robotics, but also programming and problem-solving more generally. This curriculum includes videos, animations, and step-by-step lessons designed to help beginners learn behavior-based programming using the VEX Cortex hardware and ROBOTC Text programming software.
The VEX Cortex Video Trainer provides a structured sequence of programming activities. The activities are designed to get students thinking about the patterns and structure of not just robotics, but also programming and problem-solving more generally. This curriculum includes videos, animations, and step-by-step lessons designed to help beginners learn behavior-based programming using the VEX Cortex hardware and ROBOTC Text programming software.
Additional Resources
Robots are designed to solve specific problems, in specific ways. For this badge, you will learn more about your role as the Programmer, along with some guidelines and tips when using ROBOTC.
In order to begin programming, you will need to install ROBOTC, build a robot, load the robot with the proper firmware to run ROBOTC programs, and then make sure it all works by downloading and running a sample program on the robot.
RECbot Build Instructions
Squarebot4 Build Instructions
Clawbot with Sensors Build Instructions
Swervebot Build Instructions
Updating the VEX EDR Firmware (Wireless)
Updating the VEXnet Joystick
Updating the VEX EDR Firmware (Wired)
Downloading Sample Program pt. 1 (Wireless)
Downloading Sample Program pt. 2 (Wireless)
Downloading Sample Program using USB
Downloading First Program (Virtual)
Camera Operation in Robot Virtual Worlds
Measurement Toolkit
A CS2N Game that teaches distances and proportions.
Your first project-based challenge will be a maze called "The Labyrinth". Successful completion of this challenge will require a thorough understanding of the movement behaviors and commands available in ROBOTC.
Labyrinth Challenge
Activity: Labyrinth Challenge
Upload Code: Labyrinth Challenge
Program Dissection
Reversing Motor Polarity
Renaming Motors
Activity: Sumo Bot
Upload Code: Sumo Bot
Motor Power Levels
Turn and Reverse
Activity: Sentry Simulation 1
Upload Code: Sentry Simulation 1
Manual Straightening
Shaft Encoders
Forward for Distance pt.1
Forward for Distance pt.2
Sensor Debug Window
Activity: Basketball Drills
Upload Code: Basketball Drills
Forward and Turning
Automated Straightening pt.1
Automated Straightening pt.2
Values and Variables pt.1
Values and Variables pt.2
Forward for Distance IME
Principle of PID
Forward for Distance PID
Forward for Target Distance
One powerful feature of the VEX EDR is its ability to be driven using the VEXnet Remote Control, in addition to being a fully capable, autonomous robot. This ability will prove to be indispensable in situations where direct human input is crucial. In this section, you will learn how to program your robot to react to input from the VEXnet Remote Control.
Minefield Challenge
Activity: Minefield Challenge
Upload Code: Minefield Challenge
Introduction to Remote Control
Real-Time Control
Mapping Values pt.1
Mapping Values pt.2
Activity: Robo Slalom 1
Upload Code: Robo Slalom 1
Time and Timers
Using Timers
Remote Control Buttons
Remote Start
Controlling the Arm pt.1
Controlling the Arm pt.2
Controlling the Arm pt.3
Activity: Turn Buttons
Upload Code: Turn Buttons
The Grand Challenge
Configuring Sensors
Limiting the Arm pt.1
Limiting the Arm pt.2
Behaviors and Functions pt.1
Behaviors and Functions pt.2
Activity: Incorporating Functions 1
Upload Code: Incorporating Functions 1
Passing Parameters pt.1
Passing Parameters pt.2
Ultrasonic Rangefinder
Forward until Near
Straight until Near
Activity: Sound of Speed
Upload Code: Speed of Sound
Straight until Near (Fine Tuning)
Activity: Sonic Scanner
Upload Code: Sonic Scanner
Line Tracking Sensors
Calculating Thresholds
Basic Line Tracking
Activity: Table Bot
Upload Code: Table Bot
Line Tracking for Distance
Activity: Robo Slalom 2
Upload Code: Robo Slalom 2
Optimizing Line Tracking
Activity: Mine Traversal
Upload Code: Mine Traversal
Activity: Robo Slalom 3
Upload Code: Robo Slalom 3
Gyro Sensor
Turn for Angle pt.1
Turn for Angle pt.2
Introduction to the LCD
Displaying a Message
Continually Updating the Display