Learn to program the VEX IQ in ROBOTC Graphical
NOTICE: On 8/18/2021, Amazon AWS permanently discontinued support for network protocols used by Robot Virtual Worlds and Expedition Atlantis. These products are no longer able to communicate with CS2N. Please see this article for details.
Introduction to Programming provides a structured sequence of programming activities in real-world project-based contexts. The projects are designed to get students thinking about the patterns and structure of not just robotics, but also programming and problem-solving more generally. This curriculum includes videos, animations, and step-by-step lessons designed to help beginners learn behavior-based programming using the VEX IQ hardware and ROBOTC Graphical programming software.
Introduction to Programming provides a structured sequence of programming activities in real-world project-based contexts. The projects are designed to get students thinking about the patterns and structure of not just robotics, but also programming and problem-solving more generally. This curriculum includes videos, animations, and step-by-step lessons designed to help beginners learn behavior-based programming using the VEX IQ hardware and ROBOTC Graphical programming software.
Additional Resources
The Getting Started module covers setting up the VEX IQ robot's hardware and firmware, as well as how to write, compile, and run programs on the physical and virtual robots.
A CS2N Game that teaches distances and proportions.
In Robot Movement, the user learns to write programs that move the robot forward, backward, make turns and control the robot’s gripper arm. Complete all requirements and earn the “VEX IQ Robot Movement” Badge

Sensors, introduces the user to the Distance, Gyro and Color Sensors. The user will learn how to write Boolean expressions, conditional statements and understand what sensors are appropriate to use to accomplish different tasks. Complete all requirements and earn the “VEX IQ – Sensors” Badge.

In the Program Flow I, the user will learn how to use conditional statements (If, If-else), looping statements (while), incorporating data such as sensor feedback, and then solving programming challenges. Complete all requirements and earn the “VEX IQ - Program Flow I” Badge.

The Search & Rescue Project is an opportunity to apply programming skills in robot movement, sensing, and decision making with a longer, multi-part challenge.
In the Program Flow II, the user is introduced to commonly-used techniques in robotics programming that makes use of conditional statements (If, If-else), inside looping statements (while) to create rapid decision-making loops that behave as if the robot is “continuously” making decisions. Complete all requirements and earn the “VEX IQ - Program Flow II” Badge.

Even when robots are being remotely controlled, they are running a program that controls how they respond to the signals sent by the VEX IQ Controller. This module will teach users how to write programs that enable remote control of the VEX IQ robot.