Robots separate themselves from simpler machines through their ability to detect and respond to their surroundings. In this section, you will learn how to take advantage of the multiple sensors available to the VEX EDR.
The Grand Challenge
Configuring Sensors
Limiting the Arm pt.1
Limiting the Arm pt.2
Behaviors and Functions pt.1
Behaviors and Functions pt.2
Activity: Incorporating Functions 1
Upload Code: Incorporating Functions 1
Passing Parameters pt.1
Passing Parameters pt.2
Ultrasonic Rangefinder
Forward until Near
Straight until Near
Activity: Sound of Speed
Upload Code: Speed of Sound
Straight until Near (Fine Tuning)
Activity: Sonic Scanner
Upload Code: Sonic Scanner
Line Tracking Sensors
Calculating Thresholds
Basic Line Tracking
Activity: Table Bot
Upload Code: Table Bot
Line Tracking for Distance
Activity: Robo Slalom 2
Upload Code: Robo Slalom 2
Optimizing Line Tracking
Activity: Mine Traversal
Upload Code: Mine Traversal
Activity: Robo Slalom 3
Upload Code: Robo Slalom 3
Gyro Sensor
Turn for Angle pt.1
Turn for Angle pt.2
Introduction to the LCD
Displaying a Message
Continually Updating the Display