Complete this challenge in Robot Virtual Worlds to earn this achievement. Note: There are a total of 5 achievements for this challenge.
- Virtual World: Challenge Pack for VEX IQ
- Level: Search and Rescue (or Classic)
- Robot: Clawbot IQ
Challenge Overview
For this challenge, using every concept up to this point, create a program for the robot that will enter a 4-room building. The robot must perform 4 unique actions for 4 unique rooms, that will be randomized, in order to simulate hazardous areas where you can never know what will be encountered.
Phase One
- Write 4 separate programs for each room.
- The robot must start at the entrance of a room.
- After performing room's task, the robot must exit the room.
- In virtual worlds, choosing different starting points is highly recommended.
- In virtual worlds, there are a total of four achievements to earn for this phase.
Phase Two
- Write ONE that will travel all 4 rooms
- The robot may start at any room’s entrance
- The robot can go clockwise or counter-clockwise
- The robot must end where it started
- Locations of the rooms must be randomize for each run.
- In virtual worlds, the rooms will be automatically randomized.